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Are you looking for the requirements applicable in the EU for some of the critical products relevant to conquer Covid-19?


Not only have we listed them out, but you also get a refund of the 2 credits or Enterprise charge for the technical file that you create so you can demonstrate product compliance.


When you create a technical file, just type in the COVID-19 in the product search wizard, and we will present this shortlist instantly:
  • Medical devices - Gloves for single-use (latex, nitrile)
  • Eye and face protection - Safety goggles, glasses
  • Medical devices - Face masks
  • Medical devices - Surgical drapes, gowns for use in hospitals
  • Protective clothing - Overall against infective agents
  • Protective clothing - Overall against liquid chemicals
  • Personal protection - Protective gloves against micro-organisms
  • Respiratory protective devices - Filtering half masks to protect against particles
  • In-vitro medical devices - COVID-19 IgG/IgM test kit (Colloidal Gold method)
The products that you would like to supply to the market should be in conformance with the requirements, and some of them are more complex than you might guess.
We are following your account and will add the 2 credits refund. 
Send an email to when you need asap a response.
This offer stands as long as we feel it is required given the current situation. Product categories might vary in the cause of time. Subscribe to our news mails to stay up-to-date via
Thank you for your efforts,
Team ProductIP

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