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The Februari Recall Summary



A monthly focus on some of the hot topics in non-food consumer product recalls as listed on the EU websites Safety Gate and RASFF as well as the US website of CPSC.


Market surveillance have intensified checking compliance off products offered to consumers via online platforms.

Risky or not risky. That is the question.

Breaking news: EU Safety Champions Award


This year already 44 notifications of products that had the tag “sold online”. That number was 96 over the whole of 2018! The trend is clear. Market surveillance authorities have intensified their efforts towards online platforms. The scope of products affected is divers as always.

“We only focus on risky products ….” Just take a look at some of this weeks recalls and you will realise that this kind of thinking poses a high risk to the business.

  • A notebook with a pen. Recalled because of 0.03% cadmium by weight.
  • A 13 by 13 cm flag printed “God Jul” (Merry Christmas). Recalled because of 0.09 % cadmium by weight.
  • A UV-tester wristband recalled because of 0.44% SCCP (a POP) by weight.

Note that we have EU legislation on restricting Cadmium as early as 1991. ! is there for a long time. The complete ban in plastics, jewellery and brazing sticks is from 2011.

The European Commission is launching a new Product Safety Award to reward businesses that excel in product safety. This new award will give recognition to companies who put product safety at the heart of what they do, going beyond EU requirements. It's for those who innovate and invest to make their products and services safer, raising the standards for consumer protection across Europe. In 2019 there are two categories: One for companies selling online. One for companies offering childcare products.

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