Published on: Thu 27 June 2024

The SVHC list contains now 241 substances

Per June 27th, 2024, the SVHC requirement has been updated with another substance, it contains now 241 substances.

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Published on: Tue 30 April 2024

Changes for region Türkiye

Disabling Turkey as one of the selectable regions for the European Economic Area (EEA) in ProductIP files.

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Published on: Fri 26 April 2024

Automatic company specific requirements for your supplier and 3 other updates

File requests automatically add your company specific requirements when your supplier creates the technical file and 3 other changes

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Published on: Fri 19 April 2024

Market release date assistance and 2 other updates

A link to the market release date compliance clip when choosing the date and two fixes

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Published on: Fri 5 April 2024

DoC tags

Quickly see which requirements will be on the Declaration of Conformity

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Published on: Fri 29 March 2024

Requirement group search text filter and other enhancements

A new text search filter and other multiple smaller changes

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Published on: Wed 22 March 2023

Updates to the EU DoC

We made several changes to the EU Declaration of Conformity

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Published on: Wed 22 March 2023

Digital signature management

Manage your signatures in the ProductIP platform for generating pre-signed documents

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Published on: Tue 25 October 2022

Reorders, status and progress

We've made some changes in the way you can monitor the progress and the status of your technical file.

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Published on: Tue 26 July 2022

File request enhancements

Create a technical file using the data from the file request, quickly see the differences between the request and the file and more.

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Published on: Tue 26 July 2022

Prepaid file request

Customers with an Enterprise subscription can now request a technical file from their suppliers and allow the supplier to create the technical…

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Published on: Tue 26 July 2022

Improved issue management

Issue management in the technical files has been simplified and improved. We removed the review level and added the possibility to assign an…

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Published on: Fri 20 May 2022

HS code table update

We updated the HS code table in our database and we implemented an automated update process, so from now on the HS code table will be automatically…

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Published on: Fri 25 March 2022

Uploaded (requested) documents sorted on status

The documents you upload into a document request from your customer are now sorted by status. The sort order is rejected, pending, unchecked,…

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Published on: Fri 25 March 2022

View the information a document request is based on

When you customer sends you a document request, you can now view which information the requested documents list is based on.

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Published on: Fri 25 March 2022

Use documents from your technical files in a document request

When you receive a document request for a product from your customer and you already have a technical file for this product, you can now select…

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Published on: Mon 28 February 2022


Organise your technical files into projects. You can manage your projects under the Company Account settings and then assign a technical file…

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Published on: Thu 17 February 2022

Create a DoC with your brand name

You can now create a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) with your brand name and logo. Go to Company account and open the Brand names tab.

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Published on: Fri 28 January 2022

Customs code

We added the column 'Customs code' on the technical files page.

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Published on: Fri 28 January 2022

New supplier profile document fields

We added the following fields for documents in a supplier profile

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Published on: Fri 28 January 2022

Highlight last visited technical file

If you are working through a list of technical files on a tab on the technical files page, it may be hard to keep track of where you are in the…

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Published on: Fri 28 January 2022

List of missing documents

You can now easily insert a list of missing documents into the workflow note, timeline note or timeline comment.

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Published on: Fri 28 January 2022

Renamed barcode number to EAN code

Throughout the platform, we used the term 'Barcode number' to refer to the number of the barcode on your product. We replaced this with 'EAN…

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Published on: Thu 16 December 2021

Improved collaboration with Document request

A better overview, clear communication, improved efficiency, all important aspects for you and your supplier when working on product compliance.

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Published on: Fri 10 December 2021

The "Mandatory from" label

Sometimes a new requirement is published but is not mandatory from day one, because there is a transition period. We have added a label to such…

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Published on: Fri 10 December 2021

How to become a CHAMP

What if you could reduce the cost for chemical testing and, at the same time, get adequate test results? We launched a new feature that enables…

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Published on: Fri 5 November 2021

Export of data from documents created with Verifeyer

For every document created via Verifeyer, for example, one of our risk assessments, we not only store the PDF inside the technical file but also…

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Published on: Fri 5 November 2021

Two new technical file tab filters

'with expired documents' and 'without supplier uploads'

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Published on: Fri 5 November 2021

Days to workflow deadline

Following up on the workflow deadline, we added a column 'Days to workflow deadline' to the technical files page and the file list report.

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Published on: Thu 21 October 2021

Several small updates to ProductIP

Regarding the technical file page, document request and exporting your technical file

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Published on: Thu 21 October 2021

Activation date added to the file list report

The Activation date is the date on which the technical file changed from pre-draft to draft.

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Published on: Thu 21 October 2021

Update to the UK Declaration of conformity template

We changed 'Harmonised standards' to 'Designated standards' on the UK Declaration of conformity. 'Harmonised standards' are still being used…

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Published on: Fri 1 October 2021

Workflow deadline

In the workflow dialog, we added a new field 'Workflow deadline' to indicate when you expect the current workflow status to be resolved.

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Published on: Fri 1 October 2021

Region filter

We added a region filter on the technical files page and in the file list report.

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Published on: Fri 1 October 2021

Logging change in risk classification

To improve traceability, whenever someone changes the risk classification of a technical file, it is now logged to timeline.

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Published on: Tue 27 July 2021

Workflow history

We added a new column 'Workflow history' to the file list report. It shows a chronological list of workflow status changes for each file in…

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Published on: Tue 27 July 2021

Basic UDI-DI / Global Model Number

For medical devices it is mandatory to have Basic UDI-DI / Global Model Number. We added a field on article level to store this identification…

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Published on: Tue 27 July 2021

Days to deadline

For some, a number is easier to interpret than a date, so on the technical files page, a column 'Days to deadline' was added to display the number…

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Published on: Tue 27 July 2021

Quickly check your product image

On the technical files page, if you move your mouse pointer over the article number or name, a tooltip is displayed with the product image that…

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Published on: Fri 9 July 2021

ProductIP Online Academy becomes ProductIPedia!

ProductIP Online Academy becomes ProductIPedia. The same knowledge base with everything you need to start or expand your journey into Product…

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Published on: Thu 8 July 2021

Supplier article number

On the products tab in the articles table we added a supplier article number column. Especially when communicating with your supplier it is convenient…

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Published on: Thu 8 July 2021

Regions Column

On the technical files pages we added a Regions column, so it is easier to make a distinction between files for the same article but for different…

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Published on: Fri 7 May 2021

CE Declaration (EU DoC) within a file

How to generate a CE Declaration (EU DoC) within a file. 

We now auto-propose the relevant languages based on the scope of relevant EU Member States you selected for the file. Not only that. You can also fill in the job description of the person(s) who will sign the DoC and we will translate this job title into the relevant languages. And voila, with one click you generate EU DoC's!

Note: We are looking into auto-signature solutions. No schedule yet

Published on: Fri 12 March 2021

ProductIP Online Academy

ProductIP Online Academy is a knowledge library with everything you need to start your journey into Product Compliance. We reworked our guides…

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Published on: Tue 9 February 2021

Requirement fulfillments

Requirement fulfillments

You may have products, where some requirements ProductIP includes in the requirements list are never applicable or you always fulfill with a…

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Published on: Tue 9 February 2021

Workflow history

When updating the workflow status, you can now view the workflow history of your technical file in scrollable list on the side, in reverse chronological order. 

Published on: Tue 24 November 2020

Message templates

Message templates

You can now create multiple templates for requesting documents:Create templates in different languages, to address your suppliers in their native…

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Published on: Thu 19 November 2020

Document status for suppliers

Document status for suppliers

Your supplier can now see how you reviewed their uploads.

For pending and rejected documents, the supplier can see your remarks by hovering over the document status.

Published on: Thu 19 November 2020

Outdated requirements list

Outdated requirements list

If you create a technical file several months or longer before the market release date, there is a change there will regulatory changes that affect the requirements list for your product.

Inside your technical file, you will now see a notification on every tab if this is the case, along with a link to go through the Q&A (because that might have been updated as well) and review the changes.

Published on: Thu 19 November 2020

Technical file toolbar

Technical file toolbar

We replaced the header of the technical file with a toolbar. The toolbar is visible on every tab of the technical file and allows to view and…

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Published on: Thu 19 November 2020

Design feedback sessions

We are organizing 60 to 90 minutes 1-on-1 sessions where you'll get the possibility to click through new designs for Requirement list, Documents tab, Requests/Invite, Supplier profile (new) and more. We want your thoughts, experiences and feedback on these concepts & designs to improve them!

If you want to participate, click the link below and see what sessions suit you best, sign-in on the session. The session will be held via online calls, this can be done via Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype or a tool of your choice.

These sessions are held by Twan (Interaction Designer @ ProductIP). He will contact you after you've signed-in on a time slot.

Click here to view available sessions


What if all slots are full?

We will host these sessions more often in the future. We are always looking for feedback to improve the platform. If you missed out on this round of sessions you'll be able to participate next time.

Go to and subscribe to the BETA testing channel to stay informed about upcoming sessions.

If you have any questions regarding these sessions, please contact:


Published on: Mon 31 August 2020

Workflow assignment

You can assign the workflow of a technical file to a user in your account.

When they change the workflow status, the workflow is automatically assigned back to you, so you’ll immediately be notified when they’re done.

On the technical files page you can create a tab to see the files that have been assigned to you or any of your colleagues.

Published on: Mon 31 August 2020

Request documents instead of requirements

When requesting documents from your supplier, you had to select the requirements for which you wanted to receive documents.

To make it easier to understand what you are requesting, you now select the documents you want to receive.

On the requirements tab of your technical files you can still see for which requirements you requested documents.

Published on: Mon 31 August 2020

Downloading multiple documents

On the documents tab in your technical files, you can select multiple documents and download them in a zipfile.

Published on: Tue 28 January 2020

View missing documents

On the document tab of your technical files you can see the documents that are missing from your technical file.

Please note that in order for this list to be accurate, you need to assign a document category to every document in your technical file.

Published on: Thu 29 August 2019

Batch code

Traceability is important, so we added a new field called "Batch code" to the articles in the technical files.

It helps to keep track which technical file is related to which batch of a certain article.

On the technical files page you can even search for it.
Just type batchcode:12345 and you will get the technical file that has an article with batch code 12345

Published on: Thu 29 August 2019

Advanced searching

By default, searching on the technical files page check many fields in your technical files.
But sometimes you may want do a specific search.
We added some context search words to do this for specific fields.
You can use them in the "Find" field above the table on the technical files page or in the "Text filter" field of a custom technical files search tab.

Here are some examples:

creator:"John Doe"
Shows only files that have been created by John Doe (*)

tag:"Winter 2019"
Shows only files that have tag Winter 2019 (*)

tag:!"Summer 2019"
Shows only files that do not have tag Summer 2019 (*)

Shows all files having an article with purchase order number 12345

Shows all files having an article with barcode 12345

Shows all files having an article with batchcode 12345

requirement:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 in their requirement list (*)

fulfilled:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 and is fulfilled (*)

unfulfilled:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 and is unfulfilled (*)

notapplicable:"EN 60335-2-33"
Shows only files that have requirement EN 60335-2-33 set to not applicable (*)

(*) the filter uses partial matching, i.e. EN 60335-2-33 matches with EN 60335-2-33:2013 and EN 60335-2-33:2016

You can also find these examples on the custom search tab dialog, below the "Text filter" field.

Published on: Thu 29 August 2019

Activation and expiry date

We added to two date fields to the technical files page which will help you manage your workflow.

Activation date
The activation date is the date on which your technical file went from pre-draft to draft. This will help determine more accurately when you started working on a file. For files that were never pre-draft, the activiation date is the same as the creation date.

Expiry date
The expiry date is the date on which the technical file cannot be used for re-orders without checking the expiry reason because on that date either a document expires or a new requirement is applicable and they may have consequences for the compliance status of the product.
This date is automatically checked and updated every night.

Published on: Tue 2 July 2019

Manually added requirements

Manually added requirements

If you manually add additional requirements to the requirements list of your technical file, you can now identify these requirements by the orange badge with the letter 'M'. This makes it easier for you to distinguish between the requirements that were added automatically and the ones you chose to add yourself.

Published on: Fri 12 April 2019

Platform updates

Platform updates

You can now view platform updates from within the platform.

If there are any new updates, the bull horn in the top menu will be colored blue with the number of new updates.

Published on: Wed 10 April 2019

Related files tab

Related files tab

We added a new tab 'Related files' to your technical files where you can see other technical files for the same articles and technical files with a bill of materials that has a component linked to your article.

Published on: Mon 4 March 2019

Audit score, File request and UI Improvements

Audit score, File request and UI Improvements

We added Social compliance audit score, Document reminder date quick links and a new support page and we improved File request, Invite e-mail…

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