Welcome to the Amazon Sellers onboarding page!

Let us guide you through the process and make sure you do the legally necessary to comply with EU and Amazon’s requests

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In the Amazon Seller Support message there are 3 important items to consider:

Create the legally required technical file for your products needed to demonstrate compliance of your product against relevant legal requirements. Because a DoC (Declaration of Conformity only is not enough. In ProductIP you will always find the latest requirements so you can ask the right questions. Questions to your supplier your product design department, testing laboratories. It will save time and reduce cost. Not only can you collect and organise documents, you can also review those as a pro. The ProductIP platform will then generate the correct DoC in any EU Member State language automatically.

The ProductIP User Interface and all-important support information in our ProductIPedia are available in various languages, including Chinese and Japanese! Enjoy hassle-free business with ProductIP!

Register to start your first technical file


Ensure your packaging, labels and instruction Manual are OK. Prevent your product from being stopped at the border. Packaging and labels are low hanging fruit for customs and market surveillance officers searching for non-compliant goods. Make sure they do not pick yours.

Start your first label check


Use our EU Authorised Representative services to ensure smooth handling of any challenge from authorities. With ProductIP as your 'EU-AR' we are your representative in dealing with such issues. Because your product technical file(s) are in our platform, we can respond to authority questions on your behalf within the time-frame as demanded by the authorities. Tomorrow, next month, anytime in the coming ten years. Prevent the need to provide documentation last-minute. In case of requests we will consult with you right away. Enjoy the special Amazon Seller fee of Euro 2,000 per year as the setup fee of Euro 1,800 is waived using online onboarding.

Register to sign the agreement


Note that we offer the same services for the United Kingdom (UK) to ensure smooth handling of challenges from customers, customs and Trading Standards. As in the EU, the UK requires a local entity as well.

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